Dinosaur, dog and multiplication

Once upon a time, there lived a dog and a dinosaur who were best friends.

They lived in a land of plenty and joy, and every day they would do things together. One day, the dinosaur suggested to the dog that they play a game. He said that he would give the dog a number and the dog would have to multiply it by 10. The dinosaur said that if the dog could do this correctly, then he would give him a reward. The dog thought this sounded like a great idea, so he agreed.

The dinosaur gave him the number 5, and the dog quickly multiplied it by 10 and came up with the answer 50.

The dinosaur was so impressed with the dog‘s quick work that he decided to give him an extra reward. He took the dog outside to a field of wildflowers and let him run around and explore. The dog and the dinosaur spent the entire afternoon running and playing in the field, and the dog had the best time of his life. Since then, the dog and dinosaur have been playing the multiplication game every day, and the dog has gotten really good at it. The dog is now able to multiply any number the dinosaur gives him by 10.

The dog and dinosaur still enjoy playing together in the field, but the multiplication game will always remain as one of their fondest memories.

5 x 10 =50

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