Lila, Triangle and Addition

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Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Lila who loved math. She especially enjoyed solving math puzzles and problems in her mind.

One night, as she was getting ready for bed, Lila realized that she hadn’t done her bedtime math yet. She thought to herself, “I’m so tired, but I need to solve a math problem before I can get to bed.”.

So, Lila got out her math book and looked for a math problem to solve. She spotted one that said, “If a triangle has three equal sides, what is the total length of all three sides?”

Lila thought for a moment and then realized that the answer was three times the length of one side. She smiled to herself and then wrote down the answer. She was so proud of herself for solving the problem.

With a satisfied smile, Lila got into bed and went to sleep. She dreamed of solving more math problems and she knew that she would be ready for her next math challenge the next day.

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