Tiger, Football and Math – A Bedtime Story

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Once upon a time there was a tiger who loved football.
Every day he would practice in his backyard and dream of one day playing professional football. He spent so much time playing and practicing that he started to fall behind in his math classes.

Unable to keep up with the math, he was feeling discouraged.
Then one day his teacher gave him a special assignment. He had to create a shape out of footballs and then figure out the math that went with it

The tiger was so excited, this was something he knew he could do. He created a triangle out of the footballs, and then used his knowledge of geometry and algebra to calculate the area of the shape.

The teacher was so impressed with the tiger’s work that he was given special permission to join the football team.

The tiger was ecstatic, and went on to become one of the best players on the team.

From then on, the tiger used both his knowledge of math and his love of football

to become a star player.

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